Thursday, May 3, 2007

Warming the Bench

After 10 long months of toil, after hours of burning that proverbial midnight lamp, after hundereds of CRs, after numerous heated onsite calls, after many escalations, after that final client appreciation mail, after checking my project status on Sparsh, I saw 2 words...

2 words, I never thought I would see in the list; 2 words, I never knew could bring so much happyness; 2 words that spell freedom; 2 small words - SI BCH

Yes! I'm "On Bench" now!!! :-) This honeymoon period's just a week long, though. Ends this Monday, but what the hell...I'm on bench until Monday!!!! :-)

Nothing can dampen my spirits today!!! :-) :-)

CR = Change Request
Sparsh = Infy's Intranet

1 comment:

CD said...

Congratulations. Unlike, you we don't have any such status surprises on the intranet, but yes - sometimes I get to create a bench whenever I want. :)