Thursday, September 13, 2007

Where are you?

The silence of a falling star
Lights up a purple sky
And as I wonder where you are
I'm so lonesome I could cry...

The unrelenting monsoon rains
Create streams that flow by
And as I wonder where you are
I'm so lonesome I could cry...

Leaves fall gently from trees
In the wind, hither-tither they fly
And as I wonder where you are
I'm so lonesome I could cry...

I sit by my window, a silent spectator,

On my bed, under blankets, warm & dry
And as I wonder where you are
I'm so lonesome I could cry...

P.S. a Lil Borrowed - a Lot Original

P.P.S. My first attempt @ poetry


Nandini said...

pretty impressive poetry 4 a first timer i must say...

nEvEr knEw mY fRnD hAd tHis HiddEn TalEnt hIddeN in HEr ;).. NiCe WoRk Krits!

raj said...

I sit on my chair,in front of the monitor,
like a silent visitor, visitin all d blogs
On dis day,i was left spellbound reading ur poem
And I still wonder, are u still there..!!

Wow.. what an attempt.. keep going.. and be right there !!!

Unknown said...

Good in a surprising way.

I am betting the next poem will come like.. 6 years later :O

Unknown said...

Oh My God!!!

That was breathtaking!!!

Loved it. Beautiful. Keep it up Rambo.

Karthik said...


Unknown said...

shapaaaaa..mudiliye pa . thangave mudiliye .. TOO GOOD A POEM .I was always of the opinion that you put a lot of mookai only , but this is a different attempt altogether .GOOD LUCK.Keep up the good work . anyways poem was awesome .Do some creative work like this :P :P

Puneeth said...


anu said...
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alok said...

gr8 job done...if this is d 1st attempt i nt only hope bt m sure tht i'll get gud ones 2 read in future. keep it up!