In life we pick up a lot of things - good/bad habits, vocab, mannerisms, accents and so many other such stuff - from people around, incidents, mistakes, books, songs...from absolutely anything. Oooh...heavy!
I picked up something too...a hobby; from my roomie - Anupriya. I once saw her sitting with these 2 t-shirts, admiring them. I thought maybe she'd just bought them and really liked them or something (you know how girls are! :-) ) Also lying around were 2 paint brushes, paint bottles and a print-out of the very images on the t-shirts. It was only then that i realized that she had actually painted thhat rose and calvin on the t-shirts - a bday gift for a friend.
I wanted to try it out too :-) Took an old t-shirt (first try and old tshirt: very important combo!); chose something i thought i could paint and got to work. It turned out...well, see for urself :-)
A couple of my other creations, once i got the hang of fabric-painting :-)

Not really all that difficult, this. Its handy as not only makes your plain, dull, boring clothes more fun to wear, but you also get people to "wow!" your piece of art!! :-) Show off time!! I've tried it, and believe me, it works! :-) :-) :-)